Saturday, July 31, 2010

Field trip


7:00 Wake

8:00 Breakfast

9:00 Leave to Incheon

12:00 Arrive: Pizza, Eat, Glaze Pottery

3:00 Leave Incheon

4:30 Arrive Seoul

7:00 Pho for Dinner

Field trips can be exciting and engaging and almost always exhausting.

Today we went to Incheon on a field trip. We had planned to see a pottery museum. Unfortunately, what should have been a 1.5 hour ride was 3 hours (not a good idea to have drunk coffee this morning) and so we had to cancel the visit to the museum. My bus arrived a little later and the students already there were sitting in groups of 10 or so in a large open hanger.

The facilitator instructed the students that every two students were to make a pizza pie. They were called up in groups to get their ingredients. For some 100 students it took a while before my 1st and 2nd graders, who were in the back of the building, to get their ingredients. Then there was baking all these pies in electric ovens that baked only 6 pizzas at a time. The students began to line up in the humid hanger by the hot oven. They were amazingly patient. They were eventually told to sit down and the pie tins were stacked and baked with no regard as to whose pie was whose. Not surprisingly, it took a while before the children were served. While we were waiting, some students observed a potter throw pots. By around 2:00, the children were served—after eating any snacks they had brought with them. Each of my students got about 2 slices—which seemed enough at the time but insufficient for the long journey home. Then there were plenty of pizza pies left over.

The students were then invited to get some bisque ware to glaze. But by that time my students were done. They completed their project and ran around the hanger to get their energy out and keep cool. We started our journey home and got back to Seoul in 1.5 hours--much faster than this morning. The parents were waiting at the dorms when we arrived. What a day.

Phil and MinSoo hanging out.
Jenny and Jennifer waiting for pizza ingredients.

Amy and Jenny with the uncooked pizza pies.

© Hector Lee, 2010

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