Monday, July 28, 2014

My hat is in the ring: Principal

“Remember where you came from.” Approach the job with a great sense of humility and don’t ask from persons things they cannot give you.  –Teresa

Sept 2009
I have had a difficult week. I have never seen it this bad: Six teachers are in survival mode, as is the principal. The pressing issue is discipline. It is only the 4th week of school and we are having serious issues: 2 false fire alarms I two days, 7 suspensions in the last week. We especially have not been connecting to our African American students who make up 18% of the population but 90% of the discipline issues. I have been in several classrooms where competent engaging teachers are having difficulties—they feel they are not effective and I feel I am not effective.
Drew says I need to leave this position and “not be a social worker but teach”

If you don’t know something, ask. --Kathleen

October 2009
At Teachers for Social Justice, a recurring pronouncement made was “if you can’t teach children of color, then please leave and let someone else do the job.”

When you start observing teachers, go in with nothing—no computer, no clipboard, etc. Establish relationships. --Dina

February 2010
On Tuesday, I had S stay after school fo bench time he owed for last week and that day. I unfortunately had had negative interactions with ho on the basketball court as I had him play with D. He questioned why this was and I responded, “I need to keep you away from everyone.” When it should have only bee nthe 3 boys with whom he had been suspended.
When I came to pick him up, he refused to come. He stayed hin his room. I began to work there and help sunny paint, with which S wanted to participate. I wanted to talk with him, but he refuse. I finally call his mother and he followed me to my room. He said he hated me. I have never felt hate that way. I know students express frustration to me but I had never experienced hate. He did stay with me short of the 40 minutes but I realized that while I had won the battle, I was losing the war. The objective of benching the child wasn’t so he’d hate me but to have thim change his behavior and I was losing miserably.

Ask for a coach, a veteran principal you can learn from. –Peter

December 2010
I decided to apply to the PLI. I realize that I need to grow in my capacity as a professional. Regardless, I do not want to be a Principal—yet I see the need for leadership. If not I, who? I see that it is now my generation’s turn to take the reins of leadership; we cannot rely on an older generation t continue the work of leading. It falls to the present generation. I must take up the call to serve and lead.

Make time for yourself.
If everyone is happy, you are doing something wrong. --Jennifer

August 2011
I must discern principalship or not. I don’t want it. But is it what God wants?
Or is it th voiced I hear inadvertently or on to be one. And if not Princpalship, hen what? If God wants me to be a principal, he will have to let me know.

Define your relationships with the staff separately from your principal. --Matt

May 2012
I  met with Dee Dee to ask her for guidance, “I’ve been a an IRF for 9 years and I am feeling it is time to make a change but I don’t know if being a Principal is it.”
Years ago a former Assistant Superintendent asked me to be a principal, “Do you know how many Latino principals there are in SFUSD?  I can count them on my hand.” I responded that if I became a Principal, I would not have time to do art. . I also didn’t want to be a principal so I could work on my personal life. But now I don’t do any commercial art and I am not seeing anyone; and just because I have someone does not mean he would be my balm.
So Dee Dee says to me, “ So you become a Principal, try it for a year. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to do it.” It is true. I can go back to the classroom. It is OK to fail.

Leadership is an action not a position. PD is a process not an event.  –E’leva

“Congratulations on your new job.”
“Thank you,” I respond. “ask me again in six months.”

Take time to establish your relationships. --Brent

Today was my first day as an administrator. People ask me, “Are you excited?” I respond that if I had won a $1,000,000, I would be excited. This is a job. I am looking forward to it.

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