Monday, March 16, 2009

Puebla, Mexico

 March 16, 2009

  • Internet
  • Breakfast
  • 8:40 am Bus station
  • 1:30 pm Puebla
  • Museo Amparo
  • Catedral
  • Fonda de Sta Clara
  • Walk


Puebla, Mexico

Today I arrived in Puebla, Mexico, famous for Popocatepetl, tiles, pottery, and mole. I had a chance to try this famous dish in La Fonda de Santa Clara, which was good. But also on the menu were escarmoles, art eggs, which are seasonal. I tried a dish. They were yummy. They looked like tiny yellow corn kernels, but they were smooth and buttery. They didn´t have a particular taste other than they were buttery and had the texture of mushrooms. They were served with guacamole and eaten in tortillas as tacos. What a treat. Better than the grasshoppers.

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