Friday, June 14, 2024

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the floor of studio--June 3, 2024

Despite my retirement invitation request for no gifts, people brought gifts and cards to my gathering. Betty brought it to me directly at the party: “I know you asked us not to bring gifts but I am gifts, but I brought you a gift,” as she handed to me. “You’re not the boss of me,” she smiled “If I want to bring you a gift, I am going to bring you a gift.” Drew says it the prerogative of giving lies entirely with the giver. It is rude for the receiver to determine what if any gift is given. So I ended up with gifts and cards.


The floor of my studio held the cards for several days, as I had neither the energy or the time to open cards and unwrap gifts–little did I know that I had contracted Covid during this time. I kept telling folks that I was wrung out keeping up with the parties as I was still working but the reality is that I was exhausted due to Covid. 


Truth be told, the ritual of going through the cards and gifts was emotionally overwhelming and part of me was not ready to face it. Earlier this week I reached out to Albert about getting the cell phone and keys from him to give to the new assistant principal. The new principal also asked for mine. I did have to close out the installation of the projectors and the pending budget issues but I realized that giving over the keys I would no longer have free access to Longfellow and giving over the phone I would no longer have access to Duo Two Factor Authentication to access my email. I was having a hard time letting go.


On Thursday, June 13 as I logged on to my SFUSD account I got a message that my email had been disabled. The decision of letting go was decided by SFUSD. After 34 years, I was no longer an employee of SFUSD. Sometimes you jump into the cold pool. Sometime you are pushed into the cold pool. 

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