Thursday, June 27, 2024

Malaquías Montoya: Por el Pueblo.


While my folks were visiting, I took them to see an exhibition in the Oakland Museum of California by Malaquías Montoya, a Chicano artist whose legacy in the social justice and political empowerment movements beginning in the 1960s provided teh graphic prints for the activism and hope of a people. While born in New Mexico, he moved to Fowler when he was very young and had the influence of his artistic mother who improvised with available materials to make art in her home. He attended Reedley College and later moved to the Bay Area. He has a collaborative artistic process, focused on community and engages across generations, as his elders were mentors to him.


 "We never question the plan. We never punish the plant for not growing. We always change the conditions in which it is growing. if we want to address violence in our community we have to look to the social conditions that our young people are growing in and change them."


Other artists in the exhibit.

"Water Sports" by Israel Campos

Julio Salgado

Julio Salgado

Juli0 Salgado

Julio Salgado

"RIP--In loving Memory" by Manuel Paul

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